The SpecData™ system uses Preemie Sensor™ and is designed for research purposes. It allows the collection of data that is used later in developing calibration models.
The SpecData™ system has two parts, one that runs on the desktop and is used by the administrator (SpecData desktop app) and the other which runs on mobile devices for use by a team of workers (SpecData mobile app).
The SpecData desktop app is used to set up a project, allocate access to team workers, track work done, and plan work to be done.
The SpecData mobile app has several purposes:
- To collect spectra of material samples along with the label data obtained from laboratory analysis of those samples;
- To make the data collected available to create chemometric or machine learning models for predicting label data from new spectra;
- To scan new samples used for the independent validation of the trained ML models.